Button Creator

Use this simple form to create Salesforce buttons that you can turn into images and use in the UI. doesn't let us put real buttons in the UI, but we can create hyperlinks that call S-Controls, and if you put an image of a button in that hyperlink, it looks just like a button.

  1. Fill in the text you want to appear in your button
  2. Click Create Buttons
  3. Do a screen capture of this page
  4. Manipluate the captured image in an image editor (I love the free Gimp) and crop the resulting image so only the button is showing, saving it as a .png or .gif.
  5. Upload that image to your Documents directory and it will be available for you to use in hyperlinks
  6. Construct you hyperlinks (see example code below.)
Button 1:
Button 2:
Button 3:
Button 4:

Here's a sample hyperlink formula that calls an S-Control and looks like a button:

HYPERLINK("/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=01N300000008kgN&eid=" & {!Id} , IMAGE("/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?oid=00D304000000xYG&id=01530000400F5uW", "Create a New Opportunity"))

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